If I had Three Wishes

A genie has given me three wishes! With the three wishes the genie has given me I will attempt to use them wisely. With my first wish I will ask for an unlimited amount of money. My parents can both stop working and me an my siblings no longer have to go to school. We can all go on many vacations and travel the world. Along with always eating at a very fancy restaurant and having a very nice house. With my second wish I would want luck to always be on my side, for example I will have the ability to predict who would win the Super Bowl even if the team is terrible. While playing sports for fun such as basketball I will be able to make every single shot whatever the circumstances. Playing baseball will be a breeze every pitch I get will be a home run. With my last wish, I’d want to have the ability to teleport. If I had the ability to teleport I could travel anywhere within seconds. I wouldn’t have to wait in traffic and I wont have to sit in the annoying long plane rides. If I’m ever in danger I could instantly teleport anywhere I’d want. These are my three wishes I would choose If I had the opportunity too.

2 thoughts on “If I had Three Wishes”

  1. Something you could work on is going into more depth and try to tell what you are going to do with the money. Are you going to put it in the bank or just keep infinite money your wallet for people to steal.

  2. I like how you weren’t just thinking about yourself and were thinking about your family as well. I think that your wishes are very wise, I didn’t think about luck being on your side as one of my wishes. I really liked your writing.

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