Scrumptious Steak

The thought of my favorite meal makes my mouth water. Before I go to bed I have a delightful meal waiting for me on my table, before I can even see the meal I can smell the steak and hear it sizzling on the grill outside. My dad will bring in the juicy wonderful looking steak, and I start to drool. I get so excited as I immediately approach the steak, I almost drop the plate. It is so satisfying when I cut into the steak. While I go get the salt from the drawers, I can smell French fries and I start going crazy. Finally, I get to take a small bit of the steak as it enters my mouth I can feel the smooth but slightly rough texture, and each grain of salt. It is amazing, and I still haven’t eaten any of the fries yet. I take a bite of a few fries and I am satisfied. I finish up the whole piece of steak and all my fries, and grab a refreshing cup of water, which feels so refreshing after eating a salty meal. Later that night I can imagine myself still eating the steak, which was so delicious.

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